He then slowly sheathes his sword, and the second it clicks into its sheath a nearby rain guard collapses, a tree in the background (That wasn't in the path of his strike, mind) falls apart in a Diagonal Cut, and a paper lantern falls to the ground and starts burning. When they fire, the Warrior proceeds to do a Single-Stroke Battle so quickly that he vanishes, cleaving the bullets in half in mid-air, and creating a shockwave that rips the shingles and wall panels off a nearby house and ruins a stone embankment, disabling or killing the Shinsegumi in the process. Now unnerved, they all draw their guns as the Warrior of Light slowly reaches for his sword, Iai-style. At first the leader tells his men to go at them with their swords, the Warrior does a Flash Step to dodge one and then takes them both out without even drawing his sword, just with a precise Sheath Strike.

How do you get people hyped for the next big addition to the game? Breathtaking views of a mountain oasis, centering on an epic sparring session between two Monks perched high up in the palm of a giant statue of Rhalgr the Destroyer carved into the mountain is a fantastic way to start. The very first teaser trailer for the second FFXIV Expansion.