Final fantasy xiv stormblood
Final fantasy xiv stormblood

final fantasy xiv stormblood

He then slowly sheathes his sword, and the second it clicks into its sheath a nearby rain guard collapses, a tree in the background (That wasn't in the path of his strike, mind) falls apart in a Diagonal Cut, and a paper lantern falls to the ground and starts burning. When they fire, the Warrior proceeds to do a Single-Stroke Battle so quickly that he vanishes, cleaving the bullets in half in mid-air, and creating a shockwave that rips the shingles and wall panels off a nearby house and ruins a stone embankment, disabling or killing the Shinsegumi in the process. Now unnerved, they all draw their guns as the Warrior of Light slowly reaches for his sword, Iai-style. At first the leader tells his men to go at them with their swords, the Warrior does a Flash Step to dodge one and then takes them both out without even drawing his sword, just with a precise Sheath Strike.

  • In-game: We're treated to a shot of the new city of Kugane as some local soldiers that lived there like the Shinsegumi (later turns out to be Garlean troops in Far Eastern-inspied armors) run through the streets to a dead end alleyway, at which point we get treated to a shot of the Warrior of Light in Samurai garb standing over two defeated soldiers.
  • To the shock of just about everybody, it's revealed that we're not just helping in Ala Mhigo, but are beginning a two-front push against the Garleans by helping to reclaim Doma and Othard as well, and the continent will make up the other half of the expansion.
  • Meta-wise: At first they start showing off the old trailer of the monks dueling on top of the statue of Rhalgr, but then the camera zooms out of the map to show Ala Mhigo.
  • The second trailer released shown at the EU fanfest has both a Meta and In-game moment of absolute awe.
  • The unveiling of The Red Mage at the 2016 Japanese Fan Festival, a fan-favorite job from the series exuding style in clothes, attacks, and gestures.
  • 3.5 Part 2 made it clear that the monk in the red dress is Yda's sister Lyse.
  • final fantasy xiv stormblood

    How do you get people hyped for the next big addition to the game? Breathtaking views of a mountain oasis, centering on an epic sparring session between two Monks perched high up in the palm of a giant statue of Rhalgr the Destroyer carved into the mountain is a fantastic way to start. The very first teaser trailer for the second FFXIV Expansion.

    Final fantasy xiv stormblood